On Saturday 16th July, we'll be migrating all subscriptions over to our new beta platform.
Blogtrottr will be unavailable from 09:00 UTC for approximately 2 hours that day whilst we make these changes.
What will the differences be?
The service will be faster, more scalable, easier to manage, and provide more features.
Are you going to start charging?
The unrestricted basic service will always be available for free. In the future we plan to introduce a low cost premium subscription option to give access to more advanced features, such as feed filtering and advanced mail formatting. Whilst in the beta testing period, all features will be provided to everyone at no cost.
Restricted schedules
Unfortunately, some services (currently Yahoo Pipes and Twitter) limit the frequency with which we can poll them for change, which means that we can't offer the frequency of updates that we'd like to. When the subscriptions are migrated, all Yahoo Pipes and Twitter subscriptions will be changed to daily digests.